I have not felt like wine making for a long time following serious accident and bereavement. But I am starting a new rosé today, the same one that I did before. The kit appears to have been updated, so we will see how it comes out. I felt that the OG was a little low, but it could be rubbish stirring.
The only other thing I have done in the last six months is bottle the elderberry and blackberry, and the quince. The latter ended in disaster as fermentation appeared to restart and the cork popped off, pouring the contents in to the cellar floor. I don’t know how long it took me to notice.
http://thomas.w-p.me.uk/brew/temp.php for status
Date | Specific Gravity | Alcohol Content |
16th February 2015 | 1,076 | 0% |
19th March 2015 | 996 | 10.5% |