Category Archives: Beer

New Blue Boar

Started on February 29th. 110g of priming sugar @ 5g per litre.


DateSpecific GravityAlcohol Content (%)
29th February 201610380
22nd March 20161,0222.1%
Again the alcohol content looks really suspiciously low. Dodgy measuring I guess.

Mild Ale Bottling

2015-10-12 10.29.46The gravity of the ale after two weeks at 18 degrees suggests an alcohol content of 1.3%, which is ridiculous.  I was very suspicious of the OG reading, and the fermentation was pretty vigorous at the start, so I am assuming incompenence and bottling. The proof will be in the drinking.

The beer needs to mature for at least three weeks before drinking, but I used spray malt, so it should continue to improve for months after that.

DateSpecific GravityAlcohol Content (%)
28th September 20151,0280
12th October 20151,0181.31
Alcohol content seems ridiculous, but that OG was very suspicious

Off to May and Brett today to pick up another wine kit and probably a new Blue Boar kit together with a new carboy.

Hubble Bubble

2015-09-29 12.11.40

It is still exciting and rewarding to hear the hubble bubble of the yeast going to work. This is supposed to take 8d to ferment, but I set the t4emperature lower than advised, so will probably leave it a couple of weeks.

For some reason the controller is finding it hard to keep the temperature spot on, but that might be due to the temperature changes because of the vigorous fermentation?


May & Brett Mild Ale


Lots of cleaning and searching for missing stuff and fixing the brew controller which fell on the floor and unplugged all the leads…but I am back in the home brew business again.

DateSpecific GravityAlcohol Content (%)
28th September 20151,0280
12th October 20151,0181.31
Alcohol content seems ridiculous, but that OG was very suspicious